AAM10: Ascension Activation Meditation and Treatment (REVISED)




This meditation is from the book The Complete Ascension Manual by Dr Joshua David Stone. It is a must do meditation if you wish to realize integrated ascension and become a fully realized Integrated Ascended Master on Earth.

In this meditation you will anchor and stabilize your higher fifth dimensional Chakra Grid into your body system, with a healing team standing ready to perfectly balance and attune each Chakra, removing any unwanted energies or cords of energy that are not for your highest Spiritual purpose and of your true Divine Monadic Blueprint.

You will experience a number of profound ascension activations, from activating your Kundalini, to integrating the Raincloud of Knowable Things, to balancing karma from past, future and present.

This Ascension Activation Meditation closes with the reciting of powerful and profound Ascension Affirmations to not only activate your Spirit but also program your mind for the path of integration ascension.

Total Playing Time: 60 min


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