Expand your horizon and experience the Holy Names and Attributes of the Most High God. This is an Ascension Activation Meditation that will Spiritually electrify you unlike any other.
Be spellbound by the most awesome and powerful merger and integration of some of the most blessed Attributes of Spirit ever given forth. Come inside the Celestial Cathedral of all Cathedrals to experience activations such as a complete merger – to your highest seed potential – with YHWH, Alpha and Omega, Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, the Sugmad, the Shekinah Glory, El Eliyon and the Tetragrammaton of God.
Fasten your seatbelt as you receive a merger and integration with the 48 dimensions of Spirit, the 72 Divine Attributes of God and the Yod Spectrum and much more, for you are on the rocketship and lightbeam to Source.
Total Playing Time: 58:12min
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