Daily Planner Year 5



Free with enrollment


Daily Planner Year 5: God Created the World in Seven Days! Re-create Yourself in Seven Years after the Image and Likeness of God through the Official I AM University Seven Year Total Transformation Daily Planner for the Aspiring Integrated Enlightened Master

Did you know that you are an incarnation of Divinity?

And did you also know that your Divine Creator created you in His/Her Image and Likeness? And that the only reason why you may not be able to see your own holiness or the divinity of others is you denying your Divine Source?

And that the solution to you realizing your own holiness and recognizing the divinity of your brothers and sisters is knowing what to affirm and what to deny?

What if there was a planner that would take you by the hand and show you in very simple terms which 72 Spiritual, psychological and physical/Earthly practices you should perform to systematically undo your denial of Divinity and affirm your identity in Spirit?

What if there was a planner that provided a daily checklist of Spiritual exercises, psychological exercises and physical/Earthly exercises that you could do which would guarantee results and ensure your integrated Spiritual growth?

Sounds too simple and too good to be true? Well, nothing is too good for a Son and/or Daughter of Divinity! Our Seven Year Daily Planner offers a systematic training to make your perception of yourself mirror Spirit’s vision of yourself as a creation and incarnation of Love.

Each year of this Seven Year Planner focuses on another aspect of consciousness development.

In the Fifth Year of this Daily Planner you will learn:

  • how to develop a Twelve-Fold Tree of Life Consciousness in the image and likeness of Spirit through the mastery, integration and balance of the Twelve Sephiroth on the Tree of Life,
  • which physical exercises precisely you have to perform to integrate the energy of the Twelve Sephiroth on the Tree of Life into your physical body and Earth life,
  • which psychological exercises precisely you have to perform to integrate the energy of the Twelve Sephiroth on the Tree of Life into your psychology and consciousness,
  • which Spiritual exercises precisely you have to perform to integrate the energy of the Twelve Sephiroth on the Tree of Life into your Spiritual self,
  • how to develop the supersense of perfection,
  • how to develop the supersense of realization,
  • how to develop the supersense of epiphany,
  • how to develop the supersense of gut feeling,
  • how to develop the supersense of revelation,
  • how to develop the supersense of psychometry,
  • how to develop the supersense of channeling,
  • how to develop the supersense of planetary psychometry,
  • how to develop the supersense of the Trinity,
  • how to develop the supersense of the Elohim,
  • how to develop the supersense of Archangels,
  • how to develop the supersense of Christhood,
  • how to integrate your Monadic Extensions 97-120,
  • what Huna Prayers to say to help you integrate your Monadic Extensions,
  • with lots of affirmations and visualizations,
  • and much, much more…

As you follow all these exercises you will slowly but surely make yourself more and more Godlike in the way you express yourself and see yourself!

  1. If you are really serious about your Self and God Realization and you want a systematic, step-by-step, no-fluff training, then you will absolutely love this Daily Planner.
  2. If you want to make sure that you grow EVERY SINGLE DAY of your life – both Spiritually, psychologically and physical/Earthly-wise – then you will not find a more comprehensive program than this Seven Year Daily Planner anywhere else in the world.
  3. And if you are looking for a ready-to-go program that literally just requires you to do the written-out exercises and check them off the list, then you should really enroll in this Daily Planner.

This Daily Planner is all about practice. It is the practical complement to the numerous writings of the I AM University.

Each of the Seven Years of the Planner consists of an (1) instruction manual and a (2) calendar. The instruction manual explains in very simple and practical terms all the exercises of the program whereas the calendar is a ready-made checklist of Spiritual, psychological and physical/Earthly exercises for every day of the year.

Enroll in the I AM University today and receive a FREE copy of the Daily Planner as a thank you for your commitment to your Spiritual growth. Please click here for more info.


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