The Seven Rays represent our ideal of perfection.
They represent seven universal laws that act as seven divine impulses furthering the evolution of all consciousness. They also constitute seven core lessons on the Spiritual path.
For your meditation and contemplation, we have recorded these seven core lessons for you. Enjoy.
Ray | Principle | Lesson |
1 | Willpower | Focus the power of your will into the conscious intent to serve Divine Purpose. |
2 | Love | Transcend the illusion of fear and return your mind to the truth of love. |
3 | Service | Engage in a planned service activity to help manifest the Divine Plan for Earth. |
4 | Transmutation | Transmute the baser nature of the personality into the higher nature of the Soul. |
5 | Knowledge | Learn to translate abstract Soul wisdom into concrete knowledge applicable to life on Earth. |
6 | Idealism | Exchange the separative ideals of the personality for the divine ideals of the Soul. |
7 | Initiative | Initiate Spiritual growth through self-imposed discipline and reach your evolutionary goal. |
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Susanne Myers –
Thank you so much for your profound service. These seven steps are so profound and resonate totally with my inner core.
Gillian Riordan –
I found it illuminating to hear the 7 Rays described as 7 Universal Laws, Divine impulses and core lessons on the Spiritual path.
I really like how you have outlined the 7 core lessons – it deepens our understanding of the meaning and wonder of the 7 Rays. It makes it easier to understand how we apply and live them. To see the 4R described as Transmutation surprised me and made a lot of sense and to see the 3R focus being on service – clarifying. I really found it most interesting to see how each Ray is described as a core lesson.
Thank you.
Dana Cindrea (verified owner) –
very helpful on my spiritual path.Thank you !
Sophie (verified owner) –
Love this product I found this practice useful an great for my daily routine. Thank you.