2012: Mount Shasta Stargate Ascension Activation Meditation




Climb aboard an Arcturian spacecraft, in this very powerful and unique Ascension Activation Meditation, to visit a Cosmic inner plane Temple.

You will be journeying to the most incredible Stargate and portal for Cosmic multi-dimensional frequencies, which are disseminated from the Cosmos through Mount Shasta.

You will meet with an Arcturian guide who will introduce you to an amazing Arcturian Crystal which was used for the amplification of light, time and space in the days of Atlantis.

The very potent and intense Ascension Activations that you will receive include a unification between the masculine and feminine energies, Soul travel expansion abilities, the incorporation of the Golden Mean and or Golden Spiral, and the downloading of ancient wisdom, knowledge and advanced intelligence, among others.

A meditation space journey you will never forget.


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