MC15: The 40 Infallible Laws of Prosperity that Integrated Ascended Masters Use to Manifest Money, Wealth and Abundance in Life



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Ascension for Beginners Series – Mini Course 15: The 40 Infallible Laws of Prosperity that Integrated Ascended Masters Use to Manifest Money, Wealth and Abundance in Life

Everything in life is governed by universal laws. The key to success and abundance is to understand and apply the universal laws of prosperity.

In this mini course you will learn about the 40 laws of abundance that Integrated Enlightened Masters use to manifest money, wealth and prosperity in life. They are simple, short and straight to the point, with practical action steps to get you started right where you are.

In this mini course you will learn:

  • what to watch out for when praying,
  • why you need to involve the “three minds” and precisely what that means,
  • how to align your “three minds,”
  • how so many people sabotage their affirmation and visualization work,
  • a simple exercise to help you grow more aware and conscious of how Spirit communicates with you,
  • a very simple way to set up a Spiritual battle plan to achieve your manifestation goals,
  • a sure way to sabotage your prayer and manifestation goals,
  • the one thing you have to remember to manifest successfully,
  • a very simple affirmation to remind yourself where your true security in life lies,
  • why no money or material thing you have is really yours,
  • the one thing you have to do if you want the universe to be generous with you,
  • and much, much more…

If you apply these laws actively and consistently in your daily life, they are guaranteed to show results. Why? Because they are God’s Own laws. And God’s laws work infallibly. The key to make these laws work for you is to work them with discipline, focus and enthusiasm. And as you do that, God’s infinite abundance will be yours, now and for eternity.

To your abundance!


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